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<h1>Why am I seeing ads?</h1>
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<p><img onerror="this.src=''; this.onerror=null;" src=""></p>
<h2 style="font-weight:normal;">Please give us a second to learn more about your<br />browser configuration<div id="loadingdots" style="display:inline;"><span>.</span><span>.</span><span>.</span></div></h2>
<p class="muted" style="color:#8a8a8a;margin:0 auto;width:620px;">We can help you learn more about the advertisements you are seeing by doing a quick, non-invasive search for any of our browser extensions. This should only take a couple of seconds.</p>
<div style="display:none;" id="ext-yes-instructions">
<table cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
<td align="center" width="33%">
<p><img src="" onerror="this.src=''; this.onerror=null;" height="130" /></p>
<p><small><span class="extname"></span>, an ad-supported browser extension, was installed by you, or someone using your computer.</small></p>
<td align="center" width="33%">
<p><img src="" onerror="this.src=''; this.onerror=null;" height="130" /></p>
<p><small>Ads shown have a disclaimer that allows you to hide the ad for 24 hours, or come to this site to learn more.</small></p>
<td align="center" width="33%">
<p><img src="" onerror="this.src=''; this.onerror=null;" height="130" /></p>
<p><small>This page will help you find the software that is showing ads in your browser and inform you of your options.</small></p>
<h2>We have detected that you have <span class="extname"></span> installed.</h2>
<p>What does that mean? <span class="extname"></span> is a free, ad-supported browser extension that you, or someone using your computer, has installed. <span class="extname"></span> aims to enhance your browsing experience. To learn more about that specific software, <a id="exturl" href="#">visit the <span class="extname"></span></a> website.</p>
<div style="border-top:6px solid #888;background:#fff;box-shadow:0 0 10px #ccc;font-size:12px;float:right;height:auto;margin:80px 0 300px 20px;padding:20px;text-align:right;min-width:250px;max-width:500px;position:relative;">
<div style="border:4px solid tomato; border-radius: 100px;bottom: 14px; display:block;right: 4px;height:20px; position:absolute;width:60px;"></div>
Ads by <span class="extname"></span> | Close
<h2>How to opt out of seeing these advertisements.</h2>
<p>Ads displayed with our technology can be hidden for a period of 24 hours. You are able to suppress ad placements for 24 hours by clicking "Close this ad" under each placement. Clearing your cookies will cause the ads to come back. If you wish to remove the advertising completely, you must uninstall the <span class="extname"></span> software.</p>
<h2>How to completely uninstall the software.</h2>
<p>You can easily uninstall <span class="extname"></span> from "Add/Remove programs" on your Windows computer. </p>
<li>Click the Start button, then navigate to your Control Panel.</li>
<li>Double click “Add/Remove Programs” or “Programs and Features” from your Control Panel.</li>
<li>Scroll through the list of installed programs and click “<span class="extname"></span>”, then click “Uninstall”.</li>
<p> </p>
<div style="display:none;" id="ext-no-instructions">
<h2>We could not find any of our software installed in your browser.</h2>
<p><strong>What does that mean?</strong> If you clicked a disclaimer on an advertisement that took you here, but we can’t detect the software that placed that advertisement, there could be a technical error. We recommend disabling all of your browser extensions to identify if this is the cause of the ads on the computer. You can bring them back one by one to know specifically what each is doing.</p>
<table cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
<td align="center" width="33%">
<p><img src="" onerror="this.src=''; this.onerror=null;" height="130" /></p>
<p><small>An ad-supported browser extension was most likely installed by you, or someone else using this computer.</small></p>
<td align="center" width="33%">
<p><img src="" onerror="this.src=''; this.onerror=null;" height="130" /></p>
<p><small>These extensions might show our ads. Our ads have a disclaimer that allows you to hide the ad for 24 hours, or to learn more.</small></p>
<td align="center" width="33%">
<p><img src="" onerror="this.src=''; this.onerror=null;" height="130" /></p>
<p><small>This page will give you information on how our advertising works. If you have software that uses our technology, you can learn about it here.</small></p>
<h2>How to opt out of seeing these advertisements.</h2>
<p>Ads displayed with our technology can be hidden for a period of 24 hours. You are able to suppress ad placements for 24 hours by clicking "Close this ad" under each placement. Clearing your cookies will cause the ads to come back. If you wish to remove the advertising completely, you must uninstall the software.</p>
<h2>How to completely uninstall the software. </h2>
<p>Software using our advertising technology can be removed from "Add/Remove programs" on your Windows computer.</p>
<li>Click the Start button, then navigate to your Control Panel.</li>
<li>Double click “Add/Remove Programs” or “Programs and Features” from your Control Panel.</li>
<li>Scroll through the list and look for the browser extension you think is responsible for showing advertisements.</li>
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Sunshine a écrit:Bon écoute voilà, en faisant CTRL + U sur la page qui s'est ouverte j'obtiens tout ceci, je ne sais pas si cela t'aides ??
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